Books Delivered to Your Home
Our Books By Mail service is available to those unable to visit the library due to temporary or long-term disability (and their caregivers). The service is provided at no cost to you, and postage is paid both ways.
What can be mailed?
- Fiction & Nonfiction Books
- Large Print Books
- Movies & Documentaries
- Seasons of TV Shows
- Audio Books on CD
- Magazines
- And More!
How does it work?
- Simply request the library materials you want by calling 577-7323 – you can even ask us to choose something for you!
- Receive your materials in the mail and enjoy
- When finished, drop the package back in the mail with its return postage tag
- Repeat
How do I sign up?
Sign up by calling (307) 577-7323 and asking for the Books by Mail Coordinator, or email